Global temperatures rose for the eighth consecutive year

In the past year 2022, the temperature media global exceeded by 1.15 °C the existing levels in the second half of the eleventh centuryX, which made it the eighth consecutive year, starting in 2015, in which temperature values ​​exceed pre-industrial levels by at least 1°C.

This is confirmed by a study carried out by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) at the end of the past confirming that the last eight years have been the warmest in the world.

besides, The report shows that the temperatures being recorded by the thermometers is various latitudes of the world are really alarmingand, what is worse, they can continue to increase in the coming years.

To achieve a reliable assessment of the temperature at a global level, the WMO specialists relied on a series of data that were provided by scientists from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)of the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (CEPMO), of the hadley centerof the Goddard Institute for Space Studies of the pot, of the UK Met Office and of the National Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), among other world-renowned institutions.

By combining millions of weather, marine and satellite observations in a meteorological model, WMO experts managed to characterize the atmosphere and calculate temperatures at any time and region of the planetas well as officially publicize the alarming figures recorded in recent years.

“Without a doubt the eight warmer years have been felt since 2015being the three who implanted record 2016, 2019 and 2020. The phenomenon of The boy in it 2016 contributed to the registration extreme temperatures that year”, reads the statement issued by the WMO.

“However, the current influence of La Niña, in its third consecutive year, has had a great reinforcing effect during the past year, which does not reverse the long-term warming trend caused by unprecedented levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere”, added the specialists.

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Among the main consequences of this sad record, the great increase registered in the sea ​​level which has doubled since 1993 and the melting of the glaciers of the european alps which, over the past year, have melted at worrying and unprecedented levels.

Finally, unfortunately the report reveals that the outlook for the coming years is not encouraging at all.

“The global warming trend will continue in the coming decades as a consequence of the greenhouse gas log levels They retain heat in the atmosphere. However the Paris Agreement they will limit the increase in global temperature in this century to below 2 °C with respect to pre-industrial levels, so efforts will improve so that this figure remains at 1.5 °C”, the specialists concluded.

By Robert Collins

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