is Casalegnoa small town located in the Santa Fe department of St Geronimo, 100 kilometers from Rosario, the Open, Simultaneous and Compulsory Primary (ODEPA). There the current Communal president, María del Luján Giménez (United to Change Santa Fe), seeks to revalidate his management by measuring himself with the opposition candidate, Luis Miguel “Percha” Rodríguez (Together Let’s Advance).
Since neither of them had an internal one, the objective of the primary was to guarantee that both exceed the floor of 1.5% of the standard, something that they fulfilled without problems. But the particularity of the case is that the provisional scrutiny of the vote showed that both candidates added 69 votes.
This tie will be defined once the final scrutiny is ready. This is so, because an Italian retiree lives in the small town who voted at the foreigners’ table and that ballot box is opened, according to the electoral law, only in the final count. Beyond that the PASO do not define charges, the veteran immigrant, a native of Udine, the only foreigner in the place, is going to turn the election to one side or the other.
“This system that was obtained for the elections is violating my privacy. The only vote sung is mine. I would like to ask that it not be valid,” Roberto, 80, told the radio station Radiópolis (Radio 2) and added: “Put yourself in my situation, I am in a small town where we all know each other. Probably There are 69 people who might like me and 69 who might hate me.”.
“I would like my vote to be annulled, because this situation is beyond me. I feel a little uncomfortable, because voting is a private thing for a person,” added the resident of Casalegno, who, although he did not want to say who he voted for, stressed that he is not “totally dissatisfied” with Giménez’s management. “I think he did a good job. But with “Percha” I have a little more friendship, since sometimes we get together to eat barbecue “, he concluded.