Schiaretti and Urtubey sealed an alliance for 2023: “Neither with the K nor with the FDT”

The Governor of Cordoba Juan Schiarettiand the former president of Salta Juan Manuel Urtubey announced this Tuesday an electoral agreement with which they aspire to overcome the crack and run for President this year.

This was confirmed after sharing a Lunch at the Casa de Córdoba in Buenos Aires and explained that they would build “a superior political space, outside the crack” in which both will compete for the presidential candidacy.

Both expressed their decision to be national applicants and compete within this new space, including those who want to integrate that non-Kirchnerist Peronist proposal.

Twitter / @UrtubeyJM

In this sense, at the meeting they stressed that they are not going to “to no STEP with Kirchnerism”.

“Neither with the K nor with the Frente de Todos”Schiaretti and Urtubey clarified, who also referred to the national and international scenario and the economic context that the country is going through.

Background of the “third way”

It is not the first time that the man from Córdoba and the man from Salta have started an electoral undertaking, since together with Miguel Ángel Pichetto and Sergio Massa they had led federal alternativea space that took shape in 2019 but as the elections approached it gradually diluted.

On this occasion, they will seek to swell the ranks of this “third way” with which they aim to overcome the rift between Kirchnerism and Together for Change.

Schiaretti cannot compete again for the Governorship of Córdoba this year and would propose Martín Llaryora to succeed him.

In April 2022, a barbecue had taken place at Urtubey’s house in which, in addition to Schiaretti, participated leaders of the opposition like the governor of Jujuy, Gerardo Morales; the national deputies Emilio Monzó, Rogelio Frigerio, Florencio Randazzo and Graciela Camañoas well as the former governor of chaco Angel Rozas.

That night the idea of ​​strengthening the dialogue circulated, but the members of Together for Change had not thought of leaving that space.

However, Schiaretti and Urtubey continued with the talks that have now led to the announcement of the new electoral front.


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By Robert Collins

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