Narcotest for officials in Córdoba: Llaryora regulated the ordinance

Mayor Martín Llaryora regulated this Friday the modification of the Code of Ethics for the Exercise of Public Function that was sanctioned by the majority in the Deliberative Council on May 18.

The text states that were enough to carry out the narcotest “people who perform functions by popular election, mayor, vice mayor, councilors and tribunes, secretaries and undersecretaries, directors and deputy directors, advisors, or persons who by legal or regulatory provision will exercise hierarchical functions equivalent to those of important positions.

“First I want to say that those who are consuming drugs have to be taken out of that world. The municipality has three centers to treat them,” the mayor remarked and stressed that “when one is an official, in this case a municipal official, they will have a maximum of 60 days to submit to the same control.” He also clarified that the health secretary will have the power to carry out random checks. “If someone is related to drug criminals, how can they carry out an action against these extortionist forces,” the mayor clarified.

the ordinance obliges officials to submit to the competent authority “negative certificate issued by a medical institution that accredits the completion of complementary tests for the presence of metabolites of illegal drugs; keeping due reserve all those who have access to its content”.

What does the ordinance say?

The regulation signed today provides that cabinet personnel and those who have been reached by the provisions of the Ordinance, must present the result of laboratory analysis that accredits the performance of an immunoassay test to detect the presence of metabolites of illegal psychotropic drugs in urine, published by biochemical professionals. The analysis can be carried out in public or private health institutions.

It must be carried out and submitted annually, before March 31 of each the area of ​​human capital corresponding to each jurisdiction, be it in the Deliberative Council, Municipal Court of Accounts, Entities and municipal companies, without prejudice to the implementation of random controls.

Officials working within the scope of the Municipal Executive Department must submit the certificate to the Undersecretary of Human Capital, dependent on the General Secretariat, in accordance with the implementation modalities that are established in the same terms and deadlines, duly recording their submission through the corresponding channels.

The officials of the different jurisdictions who are in the exercise of their respective positions must submit the corresponding certificate within a maximum period of sixty calendar days from the publication of the regulation.

The standard also establishes the measures to be adopted in case of non-compliance: “In case of non-compliance with article 5 bis, the current distribution procedure is applied where the alleged offender is reviewed”and in the regulation it is added that “said circumstance will be communicated to Legal Counsel in its capacity as Enforcement Authority of the Code of Ethics, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 12,984 and its amendments.

Simultaneously, the corresponding intervention will be given to the Secretariat of Prevention and Community Health Care, so that, through the Directorate of Social Policies in Addictions, or the one that replaces it in the future, it can carry out a comprehensive approach and take containment and assistance measures for the affected person.

In all cases, due safeguarding, confidentiality and protection of sensitive data and information of the person, their condition or any other produced by the agents involved in the different areas and organizations must be ensured.

By Robert Collins

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