Lifestyle changes in the 21st century are fueling the pandemic of an inherited disease: myopia. In 1928 the magazine Public Health Bulletin showed that less than 4 percent of children and adolescents had this condition, in which near objects appear clear and distant objects blurry (ie, nearsightedness). At the beginning of this century, the figures had climbed to 34%.
Growth is most alarming in many Asian countries, where rates exceed 80%. It is estimated that by 2050, Half of the world’s population will be myopic.. While our grandparents spent more time looking from a distance (there were fewer facilities to study and more to play in the street), the children of the last decades spend most of the day focusing closely, both to study as to play.
Due to the abuse of devices and the excess of artificial light, the epidemic of myopia is accelerated
The most recent studies indicate that staring at the screens of our devices for many hours increases the risk of myopia by 30%, a percentage that shoots up to 80% with excessive use of the computer. But it’s not her fault radiation from screensbut rather the distance at which the cell phone or tablet is used.
Although in most cases myopia is not pathological, its excessive progress can lead to retinal detachment, optic nerve disorders or glaucoma. To minimize its advance among boys, the alternatives are atropine (a drug in the form of drops), contact lenses for night and day use, and of course the glasses.
How is the Argentine treatment for presbyopia and hyperopia that was approved by the FDA
Although the efficacy is proven, I still don’t know how it contributes to slow down the growth of the eye, the reason for the progression of this hereditary defect. The only certainty, as the author of an article In the diary The countryis that life is now lived closely.