What is ontological coaching useful for companies?

Most of the world’s wage workersor are satisfied with their jobs in a dependency relationship. At least not in the way that the labor society was structured, back in the 50s.

Inter alia, people who work in organizations -people like you or me, who have sensations, emotions, interpretations, desires, expectations in a changing world- salary is no longer the only measure of progress and the benefits of the dependency relationship.

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As a result of this situation, more companies are deciding adapted to the time for then generate development and growth. For that, use different resources, tools and summon different professionals. Among them are the ontological trainers for his ability to develop intra and interpersonal scope of learning, integration and ontological managementboth with people in the private and public labor context.

What is ontological learning?

Now, what is “ontological learning”? There is the key and the differential.

“Ontological” means the study of being, although a more representative approach to ontology may be the ability that people have to observe the world and themselves in it, giving it a meaning from their own perspective and interpretation that ends up becoming the reality in which they live.

The Ontological Coach intervenes as a facilitator of learning that enables people and the organization of which it is a part, orobserve and distinguish the paradigmatic and cultural filters that can color the world they observe and its possibilities.

The trainer will inquire about the existing knowledge, with which he has surely found the limit of his results, to invite the observer to move towards another perspective, where he can see what he cannot see, know what he does not know and do what he cannot.

The results that do not appear are often related to habits that were generated by an inherited culture, never reviewed and, therefore, rarely changes.

Peter Drucker (1909-2005), considered the father of 20th century management, said: “Culture comes to the strategy for breakfast.”

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The Ontological Coach will accompany the organization to travel a path of transformationl that allows you to recognize, design, create and manage the reality you want to live, taking responsibility, from the phenomenon of commitment, for generating the cultural, relational and conversational contexts to create your future.

Undoubtedly, this input It is precious material for those who lead work teams. Above all because a collaborative, powerful, synergistic and dynamic learning space is built, between the participants and the coach to enhance related skills such as team leadership, productive communication, ability to overcome conflicts, emotional management, network expansion, among others.

In that dynamic the coach accompanies challenging recurring conversations and emotions so that the participants can develop greater awareness and commitment to their own processeslearning to see new possibilities about themselves and the systems in which they interact.

in additionthe ontological coach allows to re-state the purpose of the organization, declare a vision and put into practice its founding values (or reconvert them if necessary) towards a productive management model that does not reify its memberss, but rather accompany them in their personal and relational development, with the consequent positive impact on the company’s productive model.

* Professional Master Coach (MCOP) and President of the Argentine Association of Professional Ontological Coaching (AACOP).

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