Two schools from the province of Buenos Aires were selected in a list of the 50 best in the world and have chances of being recognized by the Awards for the best schools in the world. Thus, you could receive an economic prize that reaches 50 thousand dollars.
It’s about the Domingo Faustino Sarmiento High School, publicly managed and located in the town of Junín, dependent on the Universidad Nacional del Noroeste in the province of Buenos Aires. The other is the Roberto Rocca Technical Schoolof the Techint Group, which operates in Campaign.
The first was distinguished by its positive impact on the community through its environmental program and the second, meanwhile, was chosen for its “innovative transformation of spaces and learning processes”.
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“Schools shortlisted for the World’s Best School Prizes, no matter where they are located or what they teach, they have one thing in common: they all have a strong school culture. Its leaders know how to attract and motivate exceptional educators, inspire change, and build environments with excellent conditions for the teaching and learning processes,” he said. Vikas PotaCEO of T4 Education, the organization that awards the awards in collaboration with companies such as Accenture, American Express, Yayasan Hasanah and the Lemann Foundation.
fernando balbi is the academic coordinator of the Sarmiento School, inaugurated in 2018. In dialogue with the press, he stressed that they were not recognized for a specific project, but rather Behind it is a set of actions that involve the entire educational community. In turn, he described the nomination as “a compliment, an enormous joy and also an invitation to reinforce the desire and transcend other schools.”
“What we do are simple and feasible actions to do in any school. We did not make any messianic discoveries, but we saw that caring for the environment is a prosperous area because young people are very interested in and I needed to work with that: coming up with easy and meaningful ideas for the kids,” she told The nation.
the rock school
On the other side, the rock school, which was inaugurated in 2013, was recognized for the comprehensive transformation process of its physical spaces and learning processes. specifically, They based the design of their spaces on a technology school in California, United States, and others from Barcelona, in Spain: the end, putting the student at the center of the learning process.
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That is why they launched concepts such as the “Mountain summit”which is the place from which students communicate to their peers what they learned and at the same time exercise communication.
There are other “hills” of different shapes and “caves” where concentration is sought. and moments of solitude. “We took the concept of the classroom to think about moments of learning: of introspection, of collaboration, of communication. That generates that the child is traversed by knowledge in the form of a network and not in isolation“said Erika Bienek, director of community relations for Grupo Techint.
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“After rethinking the school organization, there was a huge paradigm shift, not only for students, but also for teachers, beginning to work more collaboratively, integrating subjects and identifying transversal axes. We are taking small steps towards the school of the future, one that invites students to be protagonists of this process”, added Ludovico Grillo, director of the school.
How the process goes
It is not the first time that the committee that organizes the awards pays attention to Argentine schools. In one of the previous editions he had recognized the Secondary School No. 8 of Parque Avellanedafor example, that it was highlighted in the environmental category.
With the selection completed, the list of finalists is expected to be announced next September and then, in October, the list of the five winning schools will be published. The total prize is 250 thousand dollarsthat will be distributed in 50 thousand dollars to each establishment.