Tragedy in the family of Elías Gómez: the sister he had in an accident had suffered a loss six months ago

Leaving aside the life of a footballer, each player has a story behind what they see in training and on the pitch. basic for Elijah gomezon sunday his sister melani and his mother zunilda cupcake Rivers He lost his life after hitting his car against a truck.

Prior to this tragic episode, six months ago, melani gomez 24 years old he had lost his partner. Is about Luciano bigwho was dating the player’s sister Millionaire for two years, he lost his life last December at just 28 years old.

This fact was revealed after several close to the family gomez will comment on the publication on social networks by River where he expressed his condolences for the situation his player was facing.

There arose comments implying that prior to the accident suffered by melani and his mother, the sister of Elijah He had gone through a tragic moment after the death of his partner.

Back then, Melani posted a heartbreaking message firing Luciano Biglione. “We are going to meet again. You know? And we are going to do everything pending “, he had written to him in a post from instagram.

“Today I still don’t understand hours or days, I just don’t have you here anymore. only pain and emptiness. I don’t know how the days will be without you, two years ago I woke up every day with your ‘good morning, love’ And I fell asleep next to you. My partner for everything, the one who supported me and followed me wherever, the one who taught me to live differently, to slow down, to enjoy the simple, to be thankful for everything he expresses, ”he said.

Then he described what that relationship was like “I am so grateful to life for what we live, I have always thanked you. I am left with the peace that we always told each other everything we felt, with the intensity that we lived it, of our endless talks, of the teachings, of the mistakes”, said the girl.

Finally, the farewell promised a reunion. “Everything we lived was what life wanted us to live, and I will remember it forever. We are going to meet again, you know? And we are going to do everything pending. I love you with my whole soul, my love, a part of me left with you forever,” he closed.

How was the accident of the mother and sister of Elias Gómez

The accident where melani gomez and zunilda cupcake Rivers (65) I lost my life was on Sunday morning on Route 9, at the height of branchsense of rosary beads to good airswhere his car collided with a truck that tried to make a u-turn causing the impact.

The car where Elias Gómez's mother and sister were traveling

He peugeot of the victims were embedded under the trailer of the truck in question, while another vehicle that tried to avoid the incident overturned on the side of the highway.

By Robert Collins

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