Tik Tok: watch, listen and draw your conclusions

Tik Tok It is a social network that seems to have no ceiling, especially in an election year where everything counts for one vote. The materials that are seen there are short-lived audiovisual productions. Minutes or seconds dedicated to political entertainment, without forgetting the management of those who held office.

There is everything in the vineyard this viralized world: involuntary errors, gestures, glances, poorly expressed words, all the elements that in another time serious errors will be detected and, today, in this multiplicity of screens, they are an added value when it comes to editing. Why? Because you have to arrive entertaining. And a little management, of course.

On the platform’s website there is a reference to government accounts, political parties and people dedicated to this field. It reads like this: “TikTok is an entertainment platform that millions of people come to every day to watch, share and create fun or entertaining content. Some of this content includes electoral and political news”.

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If politics is boring, we do it fun through audiovisual narratives. The viralization of a joke with sound effects, images with stickers or the gradient of colors, to name a few details. Incorporating multiple elements into a single image leads to a saturated, charged digital image. Something must remain from there, and if he is becoming a political person in a media character, all the better.

Tik Tok: watch, listen and draw your conclusions

The visual message is the construction between sound and image. Let’s go to an official account: Horacio Rodriguez Larretacandidate for president of the nation, defiantly prepares a sandwich (or “sanguche”, as preferred).

Son 49 seconds and has 12.5k tastes at the time of writing this note. Laughter is heard. A voice outside the context where the situation takes place is heard. Both carry out the same action, grab the bread and put the cold meat. Sounding trumpets. They are visual differences, where one seems to carry more weight than the other. Question marks appear in the edit. The camera turns and young people appear. Music is heard. Guess who made the most visual “sanguche”? What’s behind the entertainment?

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta: a 49-second video preparing a sandwich, 49 seconds and 12.5 thousand tastes

Let’s go to the other side and another use: the account of the president of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez.

In one of the videos there is an official act on the Canal Magdalena channel. They are 1.24 minutes long and have 316 likes. There is a formal tone, images of the place, aerial images and various camera movements; Even with different planes. There is instrumental and subtitled music.

At times, the President speaks to the camera and in another we only listen to him while the visual is projected. There is sun, there is water; It seems like a nice day. But the form of the construction refers us to another concept of the documentary type, the facts are exposed. Diffusion prevails over entertainment.

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Why does a “blood” have miles of tastes and an official act much less? They are two examples of how much there is “acholado” in this shared space between cultural, social and political actors. Could it be others? Logical. Along with those not included two axes arise.

On the one hand, the notion of entertainment in the audiovisual of Tik Tok, so encouraged. There is the need to show a “show”. Be attractive with the audiovisual narrative. After, If you like it or not, it’s another story.

As with food, here too it enters through the eyes (and ears). And in turn, entertainment is associated with government, management and institutionality. Acts, tours and presentations where the video turns to the formal. Another way, possibly with less interest.

Lights, effects and “Dancin’ at the guetto” in the background: Kicillof’s particular “tik tok bolichero”

Other TikTok textures. In Axel Kicillof’s account there are different contents. One of them is the image of a wooden mate, which in turn is illustrated with a little white hand, and the fingers making a Peronist V. He listens to cumbia.

The photo has other elements: the image of a painting with the figure of a hero, and the flag of the province of Buenos Aires. The publication has 16 seconds and just over 1600 tastes. bears the title of “The province and the mate”, and a heart next to it. The message is joy, it is for the planter, almost like most Argentines (or Buenos Aires, in this case). The mix doesn’t matter, but the composition.

And on the opposite plane, in another post, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires is in an official act. He makes an announcement about the 2023 Buenos Aires Games. video is a 13-second film and has just over 400 likess. Infusion kills official act. It is also a staging.

Patricia Bullrich criticized Kicillof’s TikTok and Alberto’s meeting with L-Gante

Audio and image are the central elements to build an audiovisual language. A plane is the smallest unit of meaning. The time of the plans is free, indistinct, according to the need of the product. It is important to emphasize that, when the audiovisual language is elaborated, meaning is constructed (or produced). The staging, its actions, its objects, its movements, its sounds produce meaning.

Then you see how real or plausible the audiovisual can be. Fiction or reality, it doesn’t matter. Yeah Tik Tok is the channel, what is the message that prevails? It will vary whether to entertain to amuse, to accompany, to inform. Or to continue being there.

Tik Tok by Patricia Bullrich

We change path: patricia bullrich. There is an audiovisual record with the boxer Alejandra “Locomotora” Castro. On the screen we see a meeting between the athlete and the candidate for president of the nation. There is dialogue and they practice typical box movements. the music of Rocky, already a concept for this type of audiovisual. The interaction between the two women is also complemented by fragments of that classic film.

The message is resignified. there is a hug between Patricia Bullrich and Alejandra “Locomotive” Castro to make the idea short. Son 49 seconds (like Horacio’s) and has more than 19 thousand likes (or K, if you prefer current terminology).

It is a relaxed moment, out of the ordinary. entertains. Or at least you are going to wonder what these two women are doing. Documentaries and fiction films, in all their formats, talk about themes and sub-themes. Does the winner of a ring get a prize? Which?

In his last public appearance, At the Teatro Argentino de La Plata, the vice president, Cristina Fernandez, mentioned that “it is important to exceed 20 minutes of TikTok, summon young people to exceed 20 minutes on TikTok and think a little about what happened…” She does not have an official account on this platform. Why is she mentioning this?

Could it be because javier milei Is he one of the greatest exponents in this social network? Could it be that politics is coming only with entertainment? There are other politicians who, contrary to his speech, do not use this type of production either.

However, they are all part of the same ecosystem. They are not creators, they are content. At some point everything feeds off. Today’s live is archive in 5 minutes.

Javier Milei is one of the greatest exponents on the Tik Tok social network

Getting carried away by likes is not empirical and neither is it academic. They are readings in any case. The creativity it must be applied to the formal and informal, in equal parts, without falling into ridicule. Although ridicule later serves for the adversary.

And beyond entertaining, what is generated with the image is basically one thing: information metaphorically hidden, perhaps. So watch, listen and draw your own conclusions. The staging does not distinguish comedy or tragedy. You just wait for them to buy the ticket and enter the room. Or, seen from another “medium” (or way), that they do not change the channel.

* Professor of Audiovisual Production in the Bachelor of Communication Sciences at USAL. mg. in Audiovisual Communication

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