They sight a UFO crossing the sky of Route 40

They sight a UFO crossing the sky of Route 40

Huge was the surprise of Matías, a resident of El Calafate, Santa Cruz, when, while traveling with his family by car on the Route 40, noticed a series of strange lights in the sky that strongly caught his attention.

According to Matías, the event took place while, as usual, he and his wife were taking their daughter to the agricultural school located in the town of Governor Gregores, and, upon reaching the entrance of the town, they were surprised by the presence of several unidentified objects in the sky.

Not knowing very well what to do, Matías only managed to reduce speed out of his car so his wife could take photos of that unexpected moment.

.”I was surprisedbecause with my 42 years. if I didn’t see I didn’t believe in ituntil I could see it with my own eyes”, confessed Matías in an interview with Signal Calafate-


“My wife, with emotion, wanted me to stop filming like this, but I did not stop the march and continued at a man’s pace driving slowly and watching the spectacle on my face many meters high”, added the surprised director.

It should be noted that although there is thousands of people in the world who claim to have seen a UFO, and they have even been photographed and filmed, the truth is that up to now the global scientific community still failed to collect sufficient evidence that can irrefutably prove the existence of these strange alien ships that remain a great mystery.