The professionals of Atucha II, the most important nuclear power plant in the countryNext month they will begin the repair of the reactor that has been stopped for half a year. The authorities of the state-owned company Nucleoeléctrica Argentina estimate that it will work again in july.
In August 2022, a team from the Lima plant, in the Zárate district of Buenos Aires, had announced that the coolant flow from the fuel channel it was less than expected.
Then he realized that one of the separators, a 15 kilo metal cylinder, had been discovered and obstructed one of the nozzles through which the fuel. There were no environmental or human risks, but there was that of damage the device that produces the chain reaction that generates the energy.
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After various consultations on how to remove the piece, progress will be made in development of robotic tools. The goal is to locate the separator, cut it into pieces, and remove it. It will be made with 100% Argentine technologythat includes a suction cup to capture it, a table to fix it and a clamp to place its parts in a basket and remove them.
As the final touch is given to each tool, operators are trained on a life-size simulatorthat recreates the mechanical, thermal and chemical conditions of the reactor, precisely the news agency of the University of Quilmes.
The construction of Atucha II began in 1982 but was paralyzed from 1994 to 2006when in the framework of relaunch of the Argentine Nuclear Planbegan delivering power under its new name, President Dr. Néstor Carlos Kirchner.
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A step towards self-sufficiency
With tuna I and Reservoircontributing 7% percent of the country’s energy, without consuming fossil fuels.
This participation will expand in the coming years, thanks to the Extension of the useful life of Atuchathe first Latin American plant, the resumption of operations of the Heavy Water Industrial Plant, coolant and moderator for natural uranium plants, and the construction of the fourth Argentine power plant, tuna IIIthat would complete a supply for seven million people.
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An objective worth revalidating today, National Atomic Energy Daya tribute to the creation of the National Atomic Energy Commission, which since May 31, 1950 works to position Argentina as a world leader in the peaceful use of nuclear technology.
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