The salvation of the shale | Profile

Writes carolina mantegari
of the AsisCulturalspecial
(on a report from Consultora Sintra)

No leap of faith, just business

Consulting Sintra -guided by the director of the Portal- based on the scores of the surveys that addicts consume. They maintain the pre-cooked flavor of canned foods. In disagreement with current interpretations, Sintra confirms an elementary truth that should not be surprising.

Despite the structural disaster of the situation, Argentina is rigorously far from the explosion of “the economic bomb”. The one that is expected to explode with the banality of a slogan. But not going to explode a cucumber. Not even during “the next government.” As proclaimed by infantilism stimulated by wrong strategies.

By market decision, nothing is going to explode. The expert financial artisans who traditionally absorb the local maravedíes know this. The transcendental Wall Street diggers know this. Both agree on the spiritual attribute of earning money. Waiting for the comeback of the country, less than an act of faith, is a business.

Conclusion not due to the widgets of the variety artist of the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, The Professional. Planter of exchanges that disorient their detractors and drag the resolutions towards posterity. While continuing to balance on the extended rope between burning buildings.

The second conclusion leads to a warning. Despite the categories of emotional severity suffered by exhausted citizens, the 2023 elections will be decided by what is synthesized as the political center.

Warning to avoid slipping into the conceptual error of believing that, in the STEP, ferocity must be demonstrated. Like in the first round. And that only in the second round should resort to rationality.

Paradox of the tough crusader who returns to the “old man’s house”, transformed into a harmless stuffed rabbit.

Mauricio and the simulated desperation to return

The theory is verified in practice. When, from the side of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, Genius -one of the four that he is-, it is feared that another of the four, El Profesional, mobilizes the accomplices friends to feed the lady Patricia Bullrich, The Montonera of Good. Because he prefers, if necessary, and even if he denies being a candidate, to confront Bullrich. And not with Larreta.

Although these two of the four -Larreta and Massa- invoice moralities together since they were militants for the consecration of Palito Ortega, Yo Tengo Fe. Patricia is an attractive part of the landscape that does not belong to the superior category because she is conditioned by the decision that takes another of the four that it is.

Mauricio Macri, The Exterminating Angel. With the temper of an evolved statesman, Celebrity Mauricio manages the simulated desperation to be president again. But distorted -the simulated desperation- by the false priority interest of being a FIFA commission agent.

Mauricio Macri
Mauricio Macri.

The celebrity keeps 200 million dollars available to face the campaign. Just wait for the unfavorable numbers to stop. Disapproval is the only bullet that enters him. Meanwhile, he dissolves coins between the two tossed checkers.

Patricia and Mrs. María Eugenia Vidal, Girondo’s Flower Girl, ambassadors enthusiastic about the electoral placebo. But La Chica de Flores maintains the good sense of knowing that she is part of the landscape. To say: “If Mauricio jumps in, I’ll get off.”

Quarterly of the Americas

“Stone on the stone and the man, where was he?” Ecstasy by Pablo Neruda, in “Alturas de Machu Picchu”.

Suddenly, the Wall Street buscapinas who set the cumbia rhythm of the market -together with the artisans of the local financial handkerchief- became specialists in the “shale”. Stones less impressive than those sung by Neruda. Allow to extract the “shale gas and shale oil” (in technical English “shale oil”).

Precisely on the eve of the closing of the PASO lists, the commissioning of the first section of the El Furia gas pipeline is still expected.

“Vaca Muerta, in the province of Neuquén, is the second largest shale gas deposit in the world and the fourth largest shale oil deposit.”
Confirmed by David Feliba in Americas Quarterly. “56,700 steel tubes can make a difference.”

Despite having paid a bill for 4.3 billion dollars in LNG imports in 2022 (the gas that comes in boats and is plugged into Bahía Blanca), Argentina can compete with LNG carvers of lineage, such as Australia or Qatar.

Sergio Massa 20230306
Sergio Mass.

Perhaps Don Paolo, Techint’s Scientist, cannot comply with the delivery of the pipes. Nor can Mr. Marcelito Mindlin, Hombre del Gaby, be accelerated any further.

But The Wall Street Diggers they know that, probably during September, in full electoral euphoria, Argentina could export gas (from the blessed shale) to Brazil. According to The Financial Times (statements by the Professional).

To make matters worse, a certain Olaf Scholz, Prime Minister of Germany who assumes the cyclopean task of succeeding Mrs. Merkel, arrived during the fiery January interested in the magic of shale.

and in the lithium. But without having had the opportunity to meet Dr. Ignacio Celorrio. He is the one who knows the most about lithium in Argentina. He has been exploring it in La Puna for several years for a Canadian company.

Celorrio is often indignant at the disparate illusionists that politicians and analysts enunciate with the lithium issue. He limits himself to extracting it in the province that governs another picturesque exponent of the landscape. Gerardo Morales, The Little Miracle.

Ladies’ Orchestra Peronism

He salvage shale (as gas or oil)) is the assumption that conditions the transcendental elections of 2023.

To contain the tremendous vocational and the innocent who should pay more attention to the thinker Carlos Maslatón, El Doron de Fauda.

In Together for Change, the radicalized are reproduced by the bomb while they are diluted in photographs and high-impact statements that barely consolidate the convinced without information. They depend on the position that the Celebrity adopts when returning. At the age of 64, Mauricio must deepen the path of the filicida, and kill Larreta, his emancipated son. Or perhaps be a victim of parricide.

Patricia Bullrich and Maria Eugenia Vidal 20230307
Patricia Bullrich and Maria Eugenia Vidal.

As Mauricio is a healthy carrier of the Milei Complex, he can opt for Mrs. Bullrich. Or ask The Flower Girl, whom he strangely did not want to exterminate, to accompany him in the formula. To be, henceforth, instead of boss, “the leader of a faction” (reflection of the thinker Ignacio Zuleta).

In it Frente de Todos also depends on La Doctora the fans that without it go extinct like old recordings of black and white spy movies.

But The Doctor is squeezed into the labyrinth of the proscription. Although a Peronist candidate is outlawed only if Peronism becomes a cordial orchestra of young ladies.

The problem of The Doctor, the only woman among the four who arefar from being Sergio, on the contrary, the other who is also.

The obstacle is the almost indifferent part of the landscape. Alberto Fernández, The Unpopular Poet, second intimate mistake. No one from the ladies’ orchestra can download it. It is the third or fourth violin, but with institutional hardware, and instruments of pure perversity.

Alberto knows that re-election is a lost cause. But why is she going to get off? He’s going to torment the Doctor. And compañero Larroque, Palomita Blanca, will have to take great care to refine the condemnatory statements.

Meanwhile, Alberto keeps Daniel Scioli, Leader of the Air and Sun Line, in a grip. But Scioli is a buttered fish, cornered in the strategy of an Alberto with hands encrusted with honey.

Perhaps Alberto intends to drive them crazy over low heat until May 18. Four years after the historic launch of The Doctor, with a tweet.

With the decadent face of a romantic poet, on May 18, 2023, in his capacity as President of the Republic and of the PJ, he will be able to say: “I have decided to propose to the comrades the Scioli-Tolosa Paz formula”.

Meanwhile, continues Americas Quarterly, the United States Geological Survey estimates that 14.4 billion barrels of oil and 38 trillion cubic feet of blessed shale gas lie underground.

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