The nod to Argentina in the film “Oppenheimer”

Yesterday, July 20, “Oppenheimer” was released in theaters, one of the most anticipated films by many. A feature film about physicist robert oppenheimerwho worked with a team of scientists during the manhattan projectwhich subsequently led to development of the atomic bomb.

Curiously, despite the novelty of its premiere, it went viral on networks a scene of the film where, apparently, a painting is seen with the image of general san martin.


Why is the picture? According to some, the president of the United States at that time, harry trumanreceived that painting from the hero in 1946 as a gift from Juan Domingo Peron. The president also had two other paintings in the Oval Room: one of George Washington and Simon Bolivar.

Supposedly, Truman was also a great military admirer and they considered him a great figure of the liberation of the American nations.

By Robert Collins

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