After the crisis of the pandemic and the scorching summer, urban runners seek to take advantage of the benefits of the autumn and to win the streets again by testing himself on the 10 and 21 kilometer circuits, the most popular in recent years. It is an opportune moment to remember what happens to the body when it prepares to fulfill that mission.
the heart. If the heart rate is 70 beats per minute in repose, in competition it can reach 150 in two minutes. In a 35-year-old, 185 is the recommended maximum.
the blood. When we run, the cells demand more oxygen and the flow begins to recirculate. The stroke volume (blood pumped per minute) can go from six liters at rest to 17 during competence. Training also lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Impulso, the program that seeks to bring young people closer to trail running
the muscles. A run at a good pace helps the health of the thighs, calves, quadriceps and hamstrings, as well as the lower back, abdominals, waist and arms. To increase muscle mass, it is necessary to supplement with weight.
feet and spine. Although the swelling of the feet is not significant, putting a medium wrong can cause blisters or microtraumas such as the loss of a nail. To protect the spine and lower the impact of the weight on the ground, footwear is crucial.
head. Increased blood flow to the brain supports the motor system. Endorphins are also released, opioids that produce the sensation of pleasure, a principle that also works for love and drugs. Running improves mood: we feel stronger, more confident and less anxious.
training keys
For those looking to test these effects, race organizers Asics Golden Race (this Sunday in the Bosques de Palermo) remember the importance of self-discipline, with some useful tips to enjoy the moment and prevent injuries.
– train conscientiously. In a demanding run, muscles can suffer microscopic tears. The body responds by growing stronger fibers, but the process is only complete with a recovery period of at least 36 hours.
– Gradually increase mileage. Establish a progressive training plan, with weekly milestones and rest days, based on the current situation and considering the distance to be covered.
Tips that can help resistance and relaxation
– practice belly breathing. It allows you to inhale more air, by activating the diaphragm and creating more space in the thoracic cavity. To test it, you have to lie on your back, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, and then repeat it sitting down.
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– Listen to music. Helps maintain a steady pace for longer periods. A playlist with songs at 120 to 130 beats per minute can make the difference between a hard jog and a brisk run.
– work the head. “Self-affirmation is crucial,” they remember from Asics. “You have to visualize yourself, talk to yourself, make positive affirmations and practice relaxation, meditation and concentration techniques.”
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