Ricardo Buryaile: “Sergio Massa is part of the worst government in the history of democracy”

The field was severely affected by the drying for three consecutive years. This seriously affects the level of reserves of the Central Bank, giving a estimated loss of about 22 billion dollars in settlements.

In this context, we communicate with Ricardo Buryaileagricultural producer and former Minister of Agroindustry, who spoke about the current economic situation in the country.

field situation

“Argentina is a country that makes opportunities a disadvantage”shot Buryaile, who then completed: The conflict between Russia and Ukrainetwo agricultural powers, raises the price of grains and instead of being an opportunity ends up being a scapegoat”.

“The food crisis increases prices and we are a large food producer but the closure of exportswithholdings and the differential exchange rate means that we do not take advantage of this opportunity”, he delved.

Agreement with the IMF and agricultural dollar

On the other hand, the interviewee said that he believes that a new agricultural dollar is imminent: “You cannot live putting patches to artificially raise for a while the exchange rate that the producer receives”.

“The Government needs to raise funds and is scratching the bottom of the pot in a very worrying way,” explained the former minister. “The gap in the exchange rate must be corrected for the economy to function normally”added.

Criticism of the Government

“Sergio Massa is part of the worst government in the history of democracy”, shot the producer. “This government had shortcomings due to its double command and the absence of a president, today Massa is the de facto president,” he added.

“Union for the Fatherland is incapable of seeing it, they have failed resoundingly in the last four years,” Buryaile said. “While in the world exports are rewarded, here they are punished”detail.

Finally, the interviewee said that production is stagnant in the country: “You have to follow a path and go on a firm path towards the elimination of these distortionary taxes”.

By Robert Collins

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