At the beginning of this 2023 it is established that from February a new mechanism will be used to define the increases in prepaid medicine quotas; and there is a deadline until January 20 to complete a form and in this way prevent the increase in the quota from being the maximum, that is, 8.21%.
The resolution 2/2023 indicates that “the holders” of the prepaid must “complete, from the 1st to the 20th of each month, an affidavit of income corresponding to the immediately preceding calendar month.
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Users with income less than the sum of six minimum wages will be able to access the maximum increase by completing an affidavit online every month.
The form will be available from the 1st to the 20th of each month in it website of the Superintendence of Health Services, to give companies a margin of time for their billing. Once completed, the segmented value will be reflected in the prepaid bill for the month following its completion.
Steps to complete the affidavit certifying income.
Here are the data to complete the process.
Step 1: the fiscal key level 3 or higher is required in the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (AFIP).
If you do not have it, you can transmit it through the mobile application “My AFIP”which formed a photograph of the face through the front camera to validate the identity and another of the DNI card.
The tax key can also be obtained in person by requesting a free appointment at the AFIP offices.
Step 2: Counting on the fiscal key, the “Mi SSSalud” service must be added to it.
For this step -which must be repeated only once-, you must enter the AFIP website ( with the CUIL and tax code. Then, in the “My Services” area, look for the box called “Fiscal Key Relationships Administrator” in the menu.
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Step 3: On the next page, click on “Add Service”.
In the list, look for the button with the name of the SSN, click on it, then on “interactive services” and select “My SSSalud”. Once this step is completed, you must press the “confirm” button to add the service.
Step 4: Once this procedure has been carried out, to complete the affidavit every month it is necessary to enter the “My SSSalud” portal available at
step 5: After that, you have to click on “entry”, enter the CUIL and Fiscal Code, and, after entering the portal, press the “Affidavit for Prepaid Users” box. On the next screen, you must click on the “new declaration” button.
In the form, you must first click on “selection of prepaid drug entity” being able to choose the prepaid from the drop-down, or simply type the name or CUIT number of the same. Once selected, click “accept”.
Step 6: As a last step, click “yes” in the two boxes in which you declare that you have income of less than six minimum wages and where you authorize the SSS to validate the data with other agencies.
Once “confirm” has been clicked, “return” must be pressed and, finally, the page will redirect to the initial screen in which each of the affidavits entered with their respective registration dates are listed.
Source: Telam
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