A new study extended the age of the universe to 26.7 billion years

Our universe may be twice as old as estimated, according to a study that challenges the dominant cosmological model and sheds new light on the so-called “Impossible early galaxy problem”.

“Our newly designed model stretches the galaxy formation time by several billion years, making the universe 26.7 billion years old and not 13.7 billion as previously estimated,” he says. it’s a statement the author Rajendra Gupta, assistant professor of physics in the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Ottawa.

Scientists calculate the age of the universe by examining the oldest stars in the redshift of light from distant galaxies. Despite this hypothesis, many experts were puzzled by the presence of stars that could be older.

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If this is confirmed, Methuselah, a star in the constellation Libra, would go from being 13.650 million to being 15.250 million years old. Also, the NASA James Webb Space Telescope It discovered several early galaxies that appear to be in an advanced state of evolution, as published by the daily mail British.

According to Professor Gupta the previous model based on the redshift of light is “tired” and he argued: “By allowing this theory to coexist with the expanding universe, it is possible reinterpret redshift as a hybrid phenomenon, rather than just due to expansion.” And he stated that the idea of ​​the evolution of “ozone constants” should be introduced. This concept refers to the fundamental physical constants that govern the interactions between particles.

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In 1928 Paul Dirac was a pioneer in proposing that these constants can vary over time. This means, following the same line of research, that as NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope found, redshifts can range from a few hundred million years to several billion years.

In this regard, Professor Gupta suggested that the traditional interpretation of the “cosmological constant” which represents the dark energy responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe needs revision.

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“This modification in the cosmological model helps solve the puzzle of the small sizes of galaxies observed in the primitive universewhich allows more precise observations”, added the expert through a statement.

Big Bang Theory

It is a cosmological model used to describe the beginning and evolution of our universe. According to this theory, the universe was going through a very hot and dense state before it began to expand 13.7 billion years ago.

The NASA telescope, James Webb, photographed the faintest galaxy in the universe

Based on fundamental observations on the matter, in 1920, Hubble published that the distance between galaxies was increasing everywhere in the universe. This translates to galaxies having to be closer to each other in the past.

Along the same lines of evolution, in 1964, Wilson and Penzias were surprised that the cosmic background radiation, which is like a fossil radiation emitted during the early universe, was hot and dense.

The composition of the universe, that is, the number of atoms of different elements, is consistent with the Big Bang theory. Ultimately, this theory is the only one that can explain why we observe an abundance of primordial elements in the universe.


By Robert Collins

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